Katherine Browne is producer, researcher, and writer of Lifting the Weight of History. Ginny Martin is an independent filmmaker who shot and edited the footage and handled all post-production video work.
Background of the researcher/writer/producer

Katherine E. Browne is Professor of Anthropology at Colorado State University. Her first book, Creole Economics: Caribbean Cunning Under the French Flag, was published by University of Texas Press in 2004 and concerns Martinique’s colonial and postcolonial tensions with France, islanders’ concern for personal autonomy, Creole systems of status, and gender relations, and how each of these shape the thriving informal economy of Martinique. Her second book, Economics and Morality: Anthropological Approaches, was released in 2009, and is edited with Lynne Milgram. In addition to the French and English versions of Lifting the Weight of History, Browne and Martin also collaborated to produce Still Waiting: Life After Katrina about a large, Afro-Creole family from New Orleans. Still Waiting was first broadcast on PBS stations across the nation during the second anniversary of Katrina in August 2007.
Background of the filmmaker

Ginny Martin is an independent filmmaker with two national Emmy Awards for documentary productions. She accumulated more than 25 years experience as producer and director for the PBS affiliate channel in Dallas, Texas, (KERA) and has produced numerous programs for public television, including The Power of Harmony (June 2006), Matisse and Picasso (Emmy nominee), The U.S. Mexican War (a four part series, and Emmy winner) After Goodbye, An AIDS Story (Emmy winner) Frozen Music, the Making of a Concert Hall, and Wildflowers with Helen Hayes.